Friday, May 9, 2014

When you lose something you can't replace

Today I lost someone I cared about. And for the first time, I've lost someone at a point in my life, where I'm really able to think about life and death... 

It's a strange thing, having to realize that we all have to die at some point, and that we'll lose the people we love. My parents seem so fine with the whole situation. Of course they're mourning, but they keep telling me that "He's in peace now" and "He was old, this is the way it's supposed to be". And it makes me think... Are all these things just something we say to make ourselves feel better? Or do we actually grow up, and commit to the fact that death is okay?

At this point I know that we all have to die and that it's the way things should be. But I find it so very, very hard to accept. And I wonder if we'll ever get to a point, where we're okay with the fact that we'll die? Two days ago my step- grandad (Who was named Aksel) had told my step dad, that he was afraid. He was afraid to die, at age 87. That scares me. I don't want to be afraid of dying when I know there's no way around it. But of course, he was an atheist. It's a scary thought to die and then just... Be nothing. And I'm not gonna lie, when they told me he was dead today, I questioned my own belief for a moment of whether or not we get reincarnated after death. But I like to believe that we do, and when we're ready for another adventure, we'll get another body. Another life. And I hope that it's the truth. It'll make all of this easier for me and it would be lovely to think that Aksel's soul is out there, somewhere, in peace and wondering why he was so afraid of something so wonderful and beautiful.

I truly hope, that I'll be able to understand this whole life and death-thing that's going on. But for now, I guess I'll give myself some time to mourn and try not to be afraid. Then I can go on with living my life. Just like we're all supposed to..