Friday, April 4, 2014

The difficulties of starting a blog

When I, about a week ago, began exploring the world of the bloggers after my friends had told me about it, I thought I'd start a blog right away. But it wouldn't be that easy..

The thought of starting a blog brings a few difficulties, well at least in my case it did. 
I knew that I wanted to blog about my passion for fashion, but unfortunately I also have a huge passion for plants. And one of my plants is in this very moment, working on reaching the ceiling in my room. And it sure can't do this, without my camera stand!

As you can see, this makes it difficult for me to photograph any outfits.

It might seem very easy to start a blog for you, but for a newbie like me, I had absolutely no idea how to make a blog! But I was lucky I had my blogger-friends to help me out and after a couple of days I finally made it work! 

Now that I had started the blog and I (kinda) knew how things worked, I began writing. And I've just come to realize that I have no idea how to blog. But I guess I'll learn after reading some more posts.. 

"The secret of getting ahead is getting started." - Mark Twain

So here I go. 

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